Running Gem Server to View Docs for Ruby Libraries on Localhost
gem server will boot up documentation on port 8808 by default pass it the -p flag followed by the port number to change. gem server -p3000
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Manage Sinatra Server in Development Mode with Shotgun
Sinatra won't reload your files. So if you're developing your app and want to see any changes made in the browser, install the shotgun gem. gem install shotgun You can then use shotgun to run your server shotgun your_sinatra_ditty.rb Presto, your ditt...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Dot htaccess file for wordpress installation (.htaccess)
Login to your wordpress installation and scroll to and click the second to last link set "Settings". You'll need to configure wordpress to handle your new links as "permalinks". Make a selection and copy the code into your .htaccess file. Wordpress will a...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
YouTube Internal Server Error
Thought I'd share a snapshot of this error message from It's nice to know that their monkeys are highly trained. I figured they just got those lazy monkeys who work for bananas. 500 Internal Server Error Sorry, something went wrong. A team o...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Wildcard VirtualHost with Apache2
Set your ServerAlias directive to *.domain.tld - Here is a quick example. <VirtualHost> ServerName ServerAlias * DocumentRoot /var/www/path/to/site </VirtualHost> Now and
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012