Find a File On Your File System with the Unix Find Command By Extension
find path/ -name *.txt
Written by Sean Behan on 11/05/2013
How to Split a Large File Into Smaller Files on OSX or Unix
Use the split command. split -l 1000 name-of-file output/directory You can set the number of lines (the "-l" flag) to split on and also the location of where the split files should be saved. Note, the output directory must already exists....
Written by Sean Behan on 10/08/2013
Installing Ruby with RVM without Xcode using CLANG
I am not using the full Xcode package on my laptop. Instead I'm using the command line tools, offered by Apple as a separate and much smaller install. I haven't had too many issues, aside from not being able to use the FileMerge program that ships with ...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/24/2012