Reusing Scopes (Formerly Named_scope) In Rails 3
You can easily chain scopes together in your models. class Article < ActiveRecord::Base scope :ordered, order('position ASC') scope :published, ordered.where('published = ?', true) scope :for_homepage, published.limit(3) end Article.for_homepage...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Load All ActiveRecord::Base Model Classes in Rails Application
Here is a simple rake task which will instantiate all of your Active Record models, provided that they are located in the RAILS_ROOT/app/models directory. Interestingly, all plugin models are instantiated by default when you run the task, for instance, if...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Validate Uniqueness on Join Tables in Rails
How to validate uniqueness in a :has_many :through relationship with Ruby on Rails. You'll need three models in this example List, Subscriber and ListSubscriber. A list has many subscribers and a subscriber has many lists. Simple enough. Running the follo...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012