How to Filter or Search HTML with Vanilla Javascript - No JQuery Required
The basic approach is to use the `document.querySelectorAll` to match certain elements, then manually set the display property to 'none' or 'block' (or 'inline-block') to hide or show it. Using the `match` method allows us to detect whether or not the sea...
Written by Sean Behan on 01/30/2018
XPath with HTML in PHP One Liner
Here is a one liner for using XPATH with HTML in PHP $doc = new DOMXPath(@DOMDocument::loadHTML(file_get_contents(""))); Now you can use XPATH to query the html.. foreach($doc->query("//a") as $el){ echo $el->no...
Written by Sean Behan on 11/14/2017
Execute Javascript When Using Link_to_function To Include a Partial in Rails
If you use the link_to_function to replace content in a div with content from a partial, any javascript that you include in the partial will not be executed. It is instead included, but will do nothing. Obviously, this isn't the desired behavior. Why woul...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Collection Select Helper and OnChange Event in Rails
Given a collection of Active Record objects, you may use the collection_select helper method to produce a select form field. You need to pass in a number of arguments to the helper function. 1) object - your model object used in the collection 2) method ...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
NO Table Cell Spacing Please
Remove cell padding on a table you add the cellspacing attribute and set it to "0". Is there a better way to do this with straight up CSS? Nothing seems to work... <table id='my-favorite-table' cellspacing="0" > ...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Yield a Block within Rails Helper Method with Multiple Content_tags Using Concat
To clean up some repetitive html coding in views, pass a block of text to a helper function which will wrap it for you the same way, each and every time. For example, I have a 'help' link which will toggle the display of a block of text if a link is click...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012