How to Read and Write to a Single Cell Using PHP and Google Spreadsheets API
This post assumes you've created a project with Google's web console and downloaded a client_secret.json file from the credentials page. If not, more info is here.. Note: The tuto...
Written by Sean Behan on 10/11/2018
Link to jQuery Source from Google's CDN That is the link to the jQuery source hosted by Google on their CDN. It's probably already cached on client machines so it should be as fast as is possible! You can read more/use other Java...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Why Doesn't Google Offer Dedicated Virtual Hosting?
AppEngine is nice, but it's a little limiting. No cron jobs, filesystem use nor customization with third party libraries, software, databases, languages, etc. You can't deploy PHP, Ruby and or your 'other' favorite web development tools. You can only use ...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012