Roll Your Own Full Page Caching in Sinatra
It's as simple as this. # app.rb get '/:slug' do @slug = File.basename("#{params[:slug]}") @cache = "public/cache/#{@slug}.html" if File.exists?(@cache) else @post = Post.find_by(page: params[:slug]) ...
Written by Sean Behan on 08/23/2013
Link to jQuery Source from Google's CDN That is the link to the jQuery source hosted by Google on their CDN. It's probably already cached on client machines so it should be as fast as is possible! You can read more/use other Java...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
How to Use Pretty URLs with Rails will_paginate Plugin
The will_paginate plugin for Rails uses a key/value assignment like ?page=2, rather than the pretty url formats such as /page/2 ... This is because url generation and mapping are handled by the routes.rb file. You'll need to modify the file so that rails ...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Rails: Expiring a cached page with namespaces and sweepers
I've got some pages that are cached using their permalinks on the filesystem, such as which will need to map to RAILS_ROOT/public/about-us.html ... The issue I have is that I use a namespace for the admin area and the cont...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012