Written by Sean Behan on Mon Feb 26th 2018

You can easily extract time information from a string with a regular expression and PHP (or any language with regular expressions).

$str = "Here is how to extract time info.. like 4:30 PM and 2:10 AM from a string in PHP";
$rgx = "/\d{1,2}(:?\d{1,2})?\s?(A|P)M/i";
preg_match_all($rgx, $str, $matches);

This will give use the following array.

array(3) {
    array(2) {
        string(7) "4:30 PM"
        string(7) "2:10 AM"
    array(2) {
        string(3) ":30"
        string(3) ":10"
    array(2) {
        string(1) "P"
        string(1) "A"

We can see the results we want are in the first item in the array. Calling


Will give use the results we want without the other matches. Note this is case insensitive and supports times like 2pm or 12:30pm as well.

Tagged with..
#PHP #Regex #Snippets #Natural Language

Just finishing up brewing up some fresh ground comments...